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最后更新: 2017-10-30 05:51

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是否有现货: 品牌: 凯鑫隆
过流部分: 机械隔膜式 驱动方式: 电机驱动
工作方式: 往复式 泵特点: 小机座
材质: 铸铁 泵轴位置: 卧式
性能: 耐磨 叶轮数目: 多级
叶轮结构: 封闭式叶轮 叶轮吸入方式: 双吸式
型号: 叶片油泵T6C-003-1R00-C1 规格: 叶片油泵T6C-003-1R00-C1
商标: 叶片油泵T6C-003-1R00-C1 包装:
产量: 10000


李经理15827489277  027-85812906   QQ:2259886914
T6 Series Vane Pump
█General description
T6 series vane pumps have three series including 33 varieties in total. There are many advantages in these products: high flow, high pressure, low noise, long life, high volumetric efficiency and so on. These displacements range from10.8 to 269 ml/r. The extreme pressure is up to 280bar. The lips of blade design, two lips alternating with stator contact blade vane pump, ordinary life is more than two times, and blades are promoted by cylinder down of vane, so reducing the abrasion of vane and stator curve. Both these series pumps are insertion structure types, and cartridge can be replaced in site, shorting the break time, improving efficiency. In a high pressure environment, these pumps can still be used for water glycol fire resistant hydraulic fluid or phosphate.
T6 series vane pumps have complete varieties and specifications, high-quality performance, simple and reasonable structure, easy installation and maintenance (the installation is compliant with ISO / SAE standard). It can be widely used in machine tools, pressure die casting machinery, engineering machinery, metallurgy, mining, light industry, chemical industry machinery, agricultural machinery, as well as various types of hydraulic systems and other fields.
█ T6系列单泵 T6 Series Single Pump



